Corporate Business

CYBER RANGES for Corporate and Business

The fast, thorough digitization of a company’s supply chain network with IT/OT/IoT and its operational intertwining into industry and market ecosystems up to multinational digital single markets is negatively affected by two main cyber security factors: the identified worldwide skills gap, the increasing complexity of the central and endpoint technologies to roll out and integrate. Your company’s surface to attacks is expanding and the threat landscape is evolving fast, with more creative cyber attackers and evolving cybercrime models.

The preparedness of businesses also relies on their SOC, Incident Response and Blue Teams’ ability to train and keep their muscle memory up to date, to increase organization cyber posture and overall resilience. Organizations in such sectors as healthcare & pharma, banking, telcos are also bound to sector-specific policy compliance.

Making use of a cyber range does not have to be necessarily a six-figure expense requiring significant time to integrate disparate technologies to simulate real-world infrastructure and required experiences. Whether you are selecting candidates for cybersecurity roles, exercising your team and your ecosystem partners in-house or through industry-wide cyber drills, and looking for a fully featured sandboxed environment where to safely detonate the latest attack vectors or to test new technologies, policies and playbooks, or providers, you can look no further than CYBER RANGES.

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6-Event Cyberdrill Program

Threat-eX™ is a comprehensive 6-month program of Live Webinars and CYBER RANGES simulations, delivering effective, threat-informed operations training, professional development and certification