Cyber Range Use Cases

CYBER RANGES will help you become more Cyber Secure

There are many use cases against which your organization would consider a cyber range product. And every use case carries its own set of functional specs requirements.

The following Cyber Range Use Cases are based on the ECSO White Paper “UNDERSTANDING CYBER RANGES: FROM HYPE TO REALITY” Released 30/03/2020

Of course, the vertical markets your organization is in, such as:

defence and law enforcement, banking & finance, education & research, HR, critical infrastructure (telecom, energy & transport, etc.), government, healthcare/pharma, national CERTs

…all may dictate some specific functional requirements!


The cyber range product or service you eventually choose, will only be as good as it can help you effectively achieve: All the goals and objectives of the cyber exercises you want to run The full realism of the cyber learning and testing you want to ensure The desired/needed extent of simulation and customization to your specific operational infrastructure and circumstances; The unleashing of all the cyber firepower you want to assess. The high number of participants to involve The effective gathering and analysis of intelligence from the range itself

in order to test your organization and people’s dexterity, capacity, capability and resilience against cyber hazards, threats and attacks and to effectively address any gaps and shortages.

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