Knowing Our Team: Olga Nasibullina, Program Director for Top 10 Abilities

In our ongoing series "CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team," we feature Olga Nasibullina, Program Director for Top 10 Abilities. Her insights provide a unique window into The CYBER RANGES Community and the international cybersecurity industry.
Olga Nasibullina CYBER RANGES

A Chat with Olga Nasibullina, Program Director for Top 10 Abilities

In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team,” we feature Olga Nasibullina, Program Director for Top 10 Abilities. Her insights provide a unique window into The CYBER RANGES Community and the international cybersecurity industry.

Can you describe your role at CYBER RANGES?

“As Program Director, my focus is on driving the international Top 10 Abilities initiative to streamline selection and recruitment practices in the cybersecurity sector through the use of next-gen, advanced cyber range services. My goal is to engage more companies, both employers and HR firms in adopting our methodology, which can significantly enhance hiring & talent management landscape in cybersecurity.”

We note you are also a lecturer for NATO?

“I am very honored to have received this opportunity. As a lecturer, I cover such topics as ‘Terrorist use of cyberspace’ and ‘Darknet operations.’ This role aligns perfectly with my work at CYBER RANGES, where we emphasize empowering individuals with up-to-date knowledge and abilities in cybersecurity. The CYBER RANGES mantra is focused on active threat-informed defense.”

Can you delve deeper into your involvement with the CSFI Fellowship?

“The Cyber Security Forum Initiative or CSFI is a non-profit organization with the mission of mobilizing a large community of Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare professionals from the government, military, private sector, and academia. CSFI is engaged in creating cyber warfare education for men and women in uniform throughout the US DoD community. Its founder Dr. Paul De Souza is a great friend of CYBER RANGES and, when I joined, I happened to be the very first CSFI Fellow in Ukraine.”

What do you find most rewarding about being part of The CYBER RANGES Community?

“The multi-cultural environment is what I treasure the most. At present the CYBER RANGES team comprises over 20+ nationalities. It’s a culturally rich space where diverse perspectives converge, fostering innovation and growth. Such a capable team is going to deliver a very valuable experience for the CYBER RANGES  Community members, present and future. This diversity is not just cultural but also about thought, approach, and leadership style, all of which are vital in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.”

How do you perceive the current state and the future of cybersecurity?

“Cybersecurity is an expansive and dynamic field. What excites me is the potential shift from a defensive approach to a more proactive, protective stance. The future promises advancements that are bound to redefine how we handle cyber threats.”

Managing work-life balance is a challenge in any field. How do you handle this in the demanding world of cybersecurity?

“Honestly, finding a work-life balance in cybersecurity is exceptionally challenging. The nature of our global work often blurs the lines. However, passion for the work and the satisfaction of making a difference help in managing the demands.”

As a woman in cybersecurity, what are your views on gender disparity in the industry?

“While I have not personally faced significant challenges, I acknowledge there is disparity in certain environments. It is vital to address societal attitudes and norms, particularly how we inspire and educate girls from a young age. Inclusion and diversity in tech should be indeed a collective goal.”

Stay connected with us for more insights from our exceptional team members as CYBER RANGES continues to foster growth and innovation in the cybersecurity profession through The CYBER RANGES Community

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