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General Rules and Instructions

  • When you start the CTF, 45 minutes will be alloted to complete the challenges.
  • Each question has some points to it depending upon the difficulty. Taking a hint will deduce 10% of the points associated with the question.
  • There is no particular order of solving the questions.
  • Judging of the round will be based on two parameters. The first is the score of the team and second is the time required.
  • Ranks can be viewed on the leaderboard page. The leaderboard time is updated everytime a submission is made.
  • This is a competitive environment with the aim of learning cyber security and ethical hacking. Please do not share the flags & solutions with others.
  • Internet access is granted. Feel free to explore and read about the concept behind the problem.

Special Rules and Instructions

  • Dont try to hack anything apart from this CTF Network
  • Dont try to hack other members
  • Dont spoil! Dont share how you solved each challenge with other members.
  • Performing denial of service attacks on the server will lead to disqualification. You are requested to play ethically.
  • Brute force attacks on the flag form is prohibited.
  • Remember, once the timer starts, it can’t be paused. The timer will not resume if you logout and log back in.

While you are here why not download more information about CYBER RANGES

Understanding Cyber Ranges From Hype To Reality - White Paper Cover

Download 'Understanding Cyber Ranges from Hype to Reality' White Paper

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